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My original sketch of Everstar. I do all of my work in ProCreate on my iPad.  Here I used the stock Procreate Pocket Pencil and Gauche tools.

Ever Star in my usual style.   I fiddled around with ways to express her blue and red color scheme in black and white and drew inspiration from some of the oldest comic book characters for my approach.  Honestly not too happy with the results, so I set it aside for a while before approaching the drawing again...

Developing that idea into a finished comic-cover style illustration of Ever Star facing off against the creatures that destroyed her homeworld!

Another sketch with an idea of where I want to go - a scene from early in her career when she fails to stop the explosion of a space station.

The finished piece, another comic-style cover.  I like the format because it lends a sense of narrative to the piece and continuity to the character.  The implication is that there is a story beyond just the image. 

Ever Star in my black and white style.  Much more satisfied with this one that the earlier one that evolved into the comic cover.

Playing around with something a little more painterly and less graphical under the line art, and a new costume that has more in common with DC's Captain Marvel than Marvel's.